About my website

Here, I offer what I've learnt or experienced in daily lives by posting blog articles or bulletins.

This website is built using such frameworks and service as Astro, SolidJS, Cloudflare Pages, etc. If you're interested in more details, see the article below.

My stance on this website

  • Information equality
    • Whoever is a reader of this website can access all the information I offer
      • No such content as paid member only articles
  • Student-and-student relationships rather than teacher-and-student ones
    • Not only do I offer what I've already learnt or experienced, but also ongoing things I've been trying to do
  • offering information in multiple languages
    • To broaden the scope of readers and as a way of learning languages by myself
    • I hardly ever rely on machine translation and translate articles manually in most cases
      • With things like linguistic or cultural differences of each language considered, contents are sometimes translated freely or even rewritten with different expressions

Principles for what I offer

When it comes to what I offer, I roughly stick to the following principles:

  • Stick to novelty and originality
    • The more original, the more intriguing
  • Write only about what I love to write
    • As long as I want to write it, the genre could be anything
  • Strike a happy medium (especially when mentioning social beliefs, ideas, and so on)
    • I'm not here to prove my social beliefs to be right against someone else
  • Avoid using intense words or addressing sensitive topics
    • I'm not here to hurt someone else
    • Having said that, I might hurt someone unconsciously because of the potential gaps in what we regard as intense or sensitive
  • No advertising
    • this website contains NO affiliate links (I just wanted to say that)

The easy-to-hard level in some articles

Articles categorized as "Learning" have a "Level" field indicated as five stars. Bear in mind that this is totally based on my subjective judgment considering the criteria below.

  • Time required
    • How long and how much trouble it takes for me to get it done
  • Complexity
    • How complex it is to understand
  • Level of abstraction
    • The more abstract, the more difficult

You might want to consider my proficiency level as of the moment I'm writing the article, which is also specified in the article.

About me

Nagi Nagi

My motto is 'Man is a thinking reed.' by Pascal in his book, Pensses.

Man is only a reed, the weakest in nature, but he is a thinking reed. ― Blaise Pascal, Pensees


  • Sociability

  • Mentality

  • Nature



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